Kairos is all about the experience.

Kairos: (noun)


“A time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action:
the opportune and decisive moment”

Boutique Service, Global Delivery.

Kairos was formed to challenge the status quo of your typical agency model. With a modus operandi of creating great work, for great clients, with great people.

Great Work

Doing great work matters. It matters to you, it matters to your clients, and it matters to us. We pride ourselves on creating great work that stands out from the crowd, every time.

Great Clients

We dont want the the biggest client list, we want the ones that are fun to work with! By having a collaborative, creative and open relationship with our clients, it improves client ROI, brand understanding and project success.

Great People

The people are what makes our projects special. Understanding the audience, connecting with our clients and celebrating the great creative minds within the agency. Our Great People mantra touches every point of our project life cycle.

We sweat the small stuff and we’re proud of it. From cost efficiencies to memorable experiences, it’s all in the detail.

Where we work

Map showing all the places Kairos works

Some of the companies that choose Kairos

Sustainability and environmental impact at Kairos

Social and environmental responsibility with Kairos

We measure and track our sustainability goals using an in-house tracking and measuring system complying with and exceed industry standards. 

Although it would be impossible to avoid emitting CO2, we analyse every production to ensure that we are reducing waste and emissions wherever possible, if required we source positive ways to offset carbon along the way. 

In keeping with reduce, reuse, recycle – we look to donate waste or used materials to local charities and beneficiaries local to the event to leave lasting and positive impacts behind.

Committed to delivering projects with the lowest environmental impact possible.

Enough about us, let’s talk events.